“Wounds, wound infectons and wound closure” Kiev, Ukraine
Wound Treatment Organization established in Ukraine
EWMA has intension to support local initiatives in countries of Eastern Europe targeted for the establishment of national wound management societies. On the November 25-26-th, 2010, in capital of Ukraine Kiev, conference “Wounds, woundinfections and wound closure” was organized by the newly established Ukrainian Wound Treatment Organization (UWTO). The first association in Ukraine that focuses on wound treatment finalized the procedure of registration in late autumn after a long arrangement process. Initiators of UWTO made a tremendous work – local sections were established in 15 regions of Ukraine. For the very beginning Ukrainian association is mainly based on the initiative of doctors of various specialties but there is a clear determination for the development to become open to multiple professions. UWTO has a very strong council, well known Ukrainian physicians have been elected to the main positions – prof. B.M.Datsenko as a President, and prof. E.Fistal, prof. G.P.Kozinets, prof. T.Tam as Vice-presidents. During the establishment process several consultations took place with EWMA Council and Secretariat, Ukrainian delegates visited annual EWMA conference in Geneva and national meetings in Lithuania and Belarus. The experience of neighboring countries in building their own associations helped Ukrainian colleagues during the organizing process. More information about UWTO could be found in their web-site http://www.uwto.org.ua.
Conference “Wounds, woundinfections and wound closure” was organized in the Academy for Postgraduate Studies of Ukraine. The conference program included three thematic sessions: wound care and debridement, surgical wound reconstruction, and modern trends in management of wound and wound infections. EWMA was represented by the Council member Rytis Rimdeika, who had a privilege to open the conference with the introductory presentation on EWMA.
The conference participation included more than 200 participants from various regions of Ukraine, neighboring Belarus and Russia. Participants from various regions of Ukraine presented papers and case reports from their clinical practice. Round table on diabetic foot was hold by most prominent lecturers from Ukraine. Separate poster session was hold in the exhibition area.
The exhibition of wound dressings, the wound care equipment, medical devices and current pharmaceutical products took place during the conference. Representatives of well known international medical companies including 3M, Johnson & Johnson, Schülke & Mayr, KCI, Gedeon Richter, Merz as well as local manufacturers hold active participation in this exhibition including organization of concurrent sessions and workshops. The conference was followed by the welcome party of all participants.
Ph.d. m.d. Rytis Rimdeika